@article{Robert_2016, title={AerGOM, an improved algorithm for stratospheric aerosol extinction retrieval from GOMOS observations – Part 2: Intercomparisons}, volume={9}, ISSN={1867-8548}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/amt-9-4701-2016}, DOI={10.5194/amt-9-4701-2016}, number={9}, journal={Atmospheric Measurement Techniques}, publisher={Copernicus GmbH}, author={Robert, Charles Étienne and Bingen, Christine and Vanhellemont, Filip and Mateshvili, Nina and Dekemper, Emmanuel and Tétard, Cédric and Fussen, Didier and Bourassa, Adam and Zehner, Claus}, year={2016}, month=sep, pages={4701–4718} }