@article{Judge_2019, title={Solar Eclipse Observations from the Ground and Air from 0.31 to 5.5 Microns}, volume={294}, ISSN={1573-093X}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11207-019-1550-3}, DOI={10.1007/s11207-019-1550-3}, number={11}, journal={Solar Physics}, publisher={Springer Science and Business Media LLC}, author={Judge, Philip and Berkey, Ben and Boll, Alyssa and Bryans, Paul and Burkepile, Joan and Cheimets, Peter and DeLuca, Edward and de Toma, Giuliana and Gibson, Keon and Golub, Leon and Hannigan, James and Madsen, Chad and Marquez, Vanessa and Richards, Austin and Samra, Jenna and Sewell, Scott and Tomczyk, Steven and Vera, Alysha}, year={2019}, month=nov }