@article{CHEN_2021, title={Mission overview of the GF-5 satellite for atmospheric parameter monitoring}, volume={25}, ISSN={1007-4619}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.11834/jrs.20210582}, DOI={10.11834/jrs.20210582}, number={9}, journal={National Remote Sensing Bulletin}, publisher={Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences}, author={CHEN, Liangfu and SHANG, Huazhe and FAN, Meng and TAO, Jinhua and HUSI, Letu and ZHANG, Ying and WANG, Hongmei and CHENG, Liangxiao and ZHANG, Xinxin and WEI, Lesi and LI, Mingyang and ZOU, Mingmin and LIU, Dongdong}, year={2021}, pages={1917–1931} }